Advanced Professional Make Up Course
The Legendary Program for Learning Special Effects Makeup
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- Dick’s Advanced Course has more Academy Award winning and nominated graduates than all of America’s makeup schools combined. In continuance of this long tradition, our graduate Love Larson was just nominated for an Academy Award in 2016.
- The Advanced Course lets you learn special makeup effects in the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule.
- Click here for testimonials from top Hollywood makeup artists/former students.
- The program includes extremely detailed text and video created by Dick, with supplementary material by Andrew Clement, presented in an accessible, conversational style. It’s like having the Master himself sitting at your side, explaining things to you. Click here to see a list of subjects covered.
- You’ll also receive online mentorship from top Hollywood makeup artist Andrew Clement, who played a major role in Deadpool’s makeup. Click here to see Andrew’s A-list work.
- The Dick Smith Certificate opens career doors. Dick’s certificate is the most respected in the makeup profession because it is given for the quality of your work, unlike certificates of makeup schools which are given merely for completing their program.
- Affordable tuition: only $1,995 for the entire course or you can purchase it in thirds for only $665 per section (plus shipping).
- Click Here for Advanced Course Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re going to include a diploma in your portfolio, make sure it’s the one that counts. The only one that counts in my book is the one that comes from Dick Smith’s Advanced Professional Makeup Course.
– 7-time Oscar winner Rick Baker