Amalgamated Dynamics
In 1988 Alec Gillis and Tom Woodruff Jr. formed Amalgamated Dynamics, Inc., which was destined to become one of the top effects labs in the industry. In 1988 Alec had enrolled in Dick Smith’s Advanced Course and found it to be a tremendous help in ADI’s quest for artistic excellence.
1991 was a banner year for the lab with ADI receiving an Academy Award nomination for Alien 3 and an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects for Death Becomes Her. Another Academy Award nomination followed for Starship Troopers. Recent ADI work includes X-Men First Class, Ender’s Game.
Gillis and Woodruff have been diversifying the company with an emphasis on personal creativity—authoring books together and individually, furthering film and television projects. They continue their growth not only as top character effects artists but also as accomplished filmmakers.